Okay, I've seen a lot of Omnia i8000 users who used Tomtom Navigator 8 to work on their PDAs and most of them were having problems. I tried it with my Omnia i8000 and here is what I can say. First, Omnia i8000 is not on its compatible deivces -- only i900 was listed there so it could really take some modifications with your device.
Here is what happened in my first attempt to install Tomtom Navigator 8. Before I try to purchase this application I'd like to know if it really is working with my pda so I tried using the cracked application. I was really eager to use it because I saw how useful it was with my friend when we were traveling so I told myself I should purchase this application. My first attempt was unsuccessful. I lost my WiFi and practically made it useless - I can't connect to any wireless connections. That is probably because when I was testing Tomtom, the built-in GPS device was not found - so I tried to change ports, etc...etc... until I put it back to the default port. None of my efforts worked and I have no more WiFi so the only solution for me was to hard reset my device.

A friend told me to use an application called BeelineGPS to check if my GPS is really working. I used it and was relieved to know that it is working. I found 11 satellites on my current position and was able to give me my current coordinates. But I am still on my adventure to find a solution in making this work cause I found a few people (on forums in the internet) that was able to make it work with their Omnia i8000.
In the meantime, I will try to download the iGo8 which I heard is much better that Tomtom. By the way Tomtom Nav 8 for smartphone is £89.95 which is around $142 USD. So if you are thinking of buying this application for your Omnia i8000, buy at your own risk - I prefer to make it work with a cracked one or just try looking for another GPS navigation application. You could also try and contact them and ask for an assurance that it will work in your device and probably ask a refund if it didn't work.
where are you found your Tomtom 8 for pda
A friend gave me a copy. He said it was from Piratebay. Just wanted to test it before I use it.
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